Job Openings >> Alumni Relations Coordinator
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Title:Alumni Relations Coordinator
Location:Gainesville, GA

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Location: Gainesville, Georgia

Salary: Support Raised

Status: Full-time/ could start Part-time and then ramp up to Full-time

Summary of Job

The Alumni Relations Coordinator will help Adventures steward our alumni, both recent and

from long ago. They will help us "not neglect meeting together... and spur one another on to love

and good deeds" (Heb 10:24-25). We live by a 2 Timothy 2:2 vision, taking what we have learned

and entrusting it to others who are reliable to share it with more. This unique role is for someone

who wants to be discipled and disciple others. The person filling this role will work closely with

the Development Director to be trained up in relationship building, casting vision, rallying people

to a cause, and program development.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

● Accountable for raising personal support

● Act as a liaison between CGA, CGA Alumni houses, World Race, Development, and key

alumni leaders/volunteers to best develop alumni programming and offerings.

● Planning and coordinating volunteers to host local GA alumni events, which could

include but not be limited to worship nights, pot-luck events, service days, “family

camps” (like a day-long VBS), etc.

● Work with the Marketing Dept to develop an Alumni Newsletter that showcases inspiring

stories of things alumni are doing around the country and around the world and where

we also share about upcoming ways to engage with Adventures, like serving at Training

Camp, joining a prayer call, sponsoring a new care point, etc.

● Staying up to date and replying to comments on the FB Alumni page

● Sharing beneficial information across departments. For example, inviting Coaches, PVT

Alumni, and new World Race recruits to future Regional Alumni Gatherings for the

purposes of connection, fellowship, and relationship building.

● Compiling lists of resources that could serve our Alumni:

○ Working on a list of ministries that Adventures works with around the world that

we recommend as places for our alumni to go and serve

○ A list of churches around the country where world racers go that we feel is a

good fit for racers looking to plug in and find community and a place to serve in a

local body of Christ.

○ In the future, we’d love to build local WR Alumni "chapters" around the country -

led by volunteer alumni who are passionate about keeping alumni on fire for

Jesus and connected to our Adv ministry in some way.

Competencies Required

● Professing Christian with an established record of high Christian character, integrity,

servant leadership, maturity, and a positive attitude

● Understand and embrace the core values, culture, and ministry of Adventures in


● Desire to work in a dynamic, mission‐driven environment

● Ability to take initiative

● Effective oral and written relationship-building communication skills

● Ability to hold themselves and others accountable

● Enjoys connecting people with opportunities to see them journey deeper with Jesus

● Thrives in a pioneering and fast-paced environment and is comfortable with a level of


● Someone who is highly responsible, reliable, and can follow through and follow-up.

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